You Are Not Alone

If you are feeling a sense of loneliness, loss of self-confidence, anxiety, sadness, depression, or hopelessness…
If you have trouble sleeping, nightmares, difficulties in relationships, or thoughts of self-harm or suicide...
If you find yourself turning to alcohol or other substances….
These symptoms and feelings are common following any loss or trauma, and abortion loss is no exception. “The best evidence suggests that most women experience at least some negative feelings related to their abortion experience.”(1) As many as 60% of women report some level of emotional distress following an abortion loss, and for 30% this distress is severe (2), leading at times to hopelessness or thoughts of self-harm.(3) The experience of abortion loss increases risk for anxiety or depression by more than 30% and the likelihood of alcohol or marijuana use can more than double after such loss.(4)
1. Reardon DC. The abortion and mental health controversy: A comprehensive literature review of common ground agreements, disagreements, actionable recommendations, and research opportunities. SAGE Open Medicine. 2018;6. doi:10.1177/2050312118807624.
2. Soderberg, H., Janzon, L., Sjoberg, NO. Emotional distress following induced abortion: a study of its incidence and determinants across abortees in Malmo, Sweeden. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 1998. 79(2) p. 173-178
3. Thorp, JM Jr., Hartmann, KE., Shadigian, E. Long-Term Physical and Psychological Health Consequences of Induced Abortion: Review of the Evidence. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. 2003. 58(1):p 67-79.
4. Coleman, P., Boswell, K., Etzkorn, K., Turnwald, R. Women Who Suffered Emotionally from Abortion: A Qualitative Synthesis of Their Experiences. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 2017. 22(4).
There is hope for you.
In the past 30 years, thousands of women and men have found hope and healing through faith-based and secular healing programs.
- Rachel’s Vineyard holds over 1,000 retreats annually in 48 US States and 70 additional countries.
- More than 12,000 mentors, counselors, and study leaders have been trained by programs like Project Rachel, Surrendering the Secret, and Support After Abortion.
Our Resources
A network of trained mentors across the state are available to call at any time, or to meet in person. These are women and men who walked in your shoes and understand your struggles. Contact us today.
Hearts Restored works with mental health professionals trained in post-abortion counseling. Talk with someone who can listen to and understand your story. Call today.
Retreats can offer spiritual healing in a relaxed setting away from the pressures and commitments of daily life. Hearts Restored can help find a retreat that fits your needs. Sign up for more information.
Spiritual Services
If you are in need of spiritual support on your journey of healing, you can find spiritual direction and access to the sacraments with the help of a priest who is familiar with your struggle. Contact us to schedule a time for spiritual direction or the Sacrament of Penance.
Healing for Men
Men and Abortion Network ( Their mission is "to promote emotional healing for men who have lost a child to abortion, and to create awareness among the counseling community, the pro-life movement and society as a whole regarding the impact of abortion on millions of these hurting fathers."
Other Online Resources
- Pursue healing through a self-guided, online scripture and teaching study:
- Find out more about Rachel’s Vineyard retreats.